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Ridgeview Gardens Homeowners Association Board Minutes for the current month

Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association, and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.

Minutes of March Meeting
September 30, 2014

Meeting called to order by President, Marc Faustino, at 7:05 pm.


Marc Faustino (President), Rich Whitestine (Secretary), Anne Martinez (Member at Large), Chris Petrus (Vice-president), and David Coyle (Treasure).

Previous meeting minutes:

The meeting minutes from the previous board meeting on August 27, 2014 were reviewed and approved by all.

Treasurer�s Report:

Checking: $21.209.55
Saving: $33,372.63

Old Business
  • 8/27/14 – Wolch paid. Blixt was sent letter from lawyer, and responded. Blixt will pay $150 plus changed for the next three months. 6 members past due 1 year payment. Board will follow up next month.
    9/30/14 - Blixt has paid $125 and will pay 3 months more to get the past due bill paid off. There are currently 5 others overdue 1 year. Will review next meeting.
  • 4/16/14 – We need to check the new doors and make sure it is able to be opened by young children. Anne was concerned they may not be able to get the door open and could get stuck in the bathroom.
    6/11/14 – Marc asked Brad to check doors, and possibly remove the self-closing hinges.
    7/22/14 – Not done yet. Marc to follow up with Brad, along with the status of the sensor lights, roof on pool house, gutter, and bench quote.
    8/27/14 – Sensor lights were fixed. Anne will call Brad for an estimate on the other items (i.e. Roof, gutter on both sides, and bench work.)
    9/30/14 – Brad stated it will most likely take about $500 in order to get the roof on the pool house ready for gutter. Waiting for estimate on gutter. We will get a estimate to do the benches in the Spring and have the benches re-built before April 1st.
  • 8/27/14 – Rich to contact Sarah and have her put in the meeting minutes from the last several months, as well as change Tim to Chris.
    9/30/14 – Rich to ask Sarah how much time it takes to due the website and what she would think the cost would be. Rich also is to ask Sarah for the access codes to get on the site. Anne will ask Lara Futch if she is interested in updating the site for the Board.
New Business
  • We will possibly need to have a solar company look at the solar panels on the roof since they appear to still be leaking.
  • Anne will have Michael saw off the bolts that were used to hang the signs due to them sticking out.
  • Rich to contact Coggins Fence to fix both gates.
  • The Board will discuss the budget for next year at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:43.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 27th, at 7:00 pm. at Anne's house.

Respectfully submitted
Rich Whitestine
RGHA Secretary

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