Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Strawberry School Library, April 30, 2012
6:58pm Strawberry school. Meeting called to order.
Open to members for general discussion, concerns, problems.
- Sarah Wuethrich volunteered to work on creating a website to bring down
our annual costs. Facebook could be another forum for our photos and
- Ray Zanatto expressed concern that neighbors of his called police rather
than talk to him about the many cars in front of his house. He is trying to
get the number down-has racing car collection and has recently moved,
having to downsize suddenly.
- Avtar and Paula Dhanowa requested that we reduce the evening hours at
the pool to 9pm, allow adult swim time again, and restrict guests to two
at a time.
- Hanora Connolly brought a new member, Vicki Meyers. We described our
organization and the pool.
- Jann Jones quietly said to Gail that she would be interested in helping
with new member orientation.
- Several members stopped by for keys.
Paula Dhanowa volunteered to run for the board of directors. The ballot will be by mail,
as usual.
Including the 4 members of the board, there were about 11 members present.
Meeting adjourned at 8pm. All invited to attend the board meeting to follow, on the
picnic bench outside.
Respectfully submitted,
Gail Simons