Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Minutes of April Meeting
April 29, 2013
8:00pm Meeting called to order by Dave Coyle, president.
Dave Coyle, Marc Faustino (VP), Chris Petrus (treas), Anne Martinez
(member at large), and Gail Simons (sec�y), and Rich Whitestine, member.
Minutes of March 12, 2013 meeting read aloud, and unanimously accepted.
Treasurer�s Report:
The recent reconciliation detail was circulated, with savings acc�t
(reserve) total of $31, 664, and checking acc�t. total of $40,687, read aloud by Dave.
This year�s insurance policies given to Gail for filing in storage closet at pool. Pre-prelien
letter courtesy statements were sent out after last month�s meeting. One response,
so far. 19 members delinquent, 6 of those owe more than one year. Further action
tabled until after the election of next year�s board. Treas. report unanimously approved.
Old Business
- Jeff Thierry is caulking the pool today and tomorrow, so the gates will be padlocked
during that time.
- Marc will follow up on the street lights and radar speed detection results.
- Anne presented bids for the fence reserve study, and for the painting of the
unfinished part (dark green) of the pool building + storage closet door replacement.
Dave made a motion That we accept the bid from BV Home services for the door
and painting, for $715, under a licensed contractor, per his bid. Ayes,4. Anne
- The garage sale April 27 was very successful. An ad for it was heard on KZST.
- A newsletter is needed, covering items as discussed in annual membership
New Business
- Tim Svoma and Rich Whitestine have volunteered to run for election to the board.
- Anne noted kids are climbing the fence at the pool, near the bathrooms.
- Anne will buy 2 lounge chairs, 2 small tables, and 6 chairs for the pool. We plan to
purchase same, again, in 1-2 months.
- Plan to meet again Wednesday, May 8, 6pm poolside (Anne�s house, if weather
cool) to stuff election envelopes, including newsletter; and discuss letters needing
to be sent to various members, as discussed at general membership and board
meeting this evening.
Meeting adjourned 8:30pm.
<< Board Meeting Minutes