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Ridgeview Gardens Homeowners Association Board Minutes for the current month

Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association, and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.

Meeting Minutes
April 30, 2019

RGHA Annual Homeowners Mee1ng was called to order at 6:30 pm.

Attendees: Chris, Ka1e, Anne, Marcia and approximately 18 homeownersand renters

Chris started the mee1ng by introducing the Board members. He discussed ourcommunity/RGHA saying it primarily addresses the swimming pool. He said weare always looking for new Board members.

Problem areas were iden1fied:
� Trailers parked on the street or not behind fences,
� Taking care of weeding, trees, and fences.

A homeowner brought up two addi1onal problems that exist on Calavaras Drive:
� A car parked for a very long 1me on the street,
� Barking dogs. The owner has been no1fied. The house is currently occupied by renters.

Swimming lessons at the pool for children was brought up. Last year Ka1e got aswim instructor from Sonoma State University to teach her children to swim. Aslong as the pool remains open to others, this should not be a problem.

Pool hours are: 7AM � 8PM Star1ng June 1 on weekends, the pool will be open un1l 10PM (with 9-10PM being quiet time)

Attendees were reminded not to let others in that do not have their keys. Running children should be told not to run; if you see a child in danger, say something. Please be careful with the pool furniture.

The BBQ�s when opening and closing the pool were not held last year due to low attendance the year before. It was reiterated that volunteering is a good way to know what going on in RGHA, and that homeowners/renters are always welcome to come to the Board meetngs.

The date of next Board Meetng is available on the RGHA phone.

A new owner (on the north side of Siskiyou) asked how far into the creek he can cut. He is concerned about the poten1al fire hazard. It was decided that he can cut as far as he wants.

The County maintains the creek by the pool; all other creeks are maintained by the City. Maintenance usually occurs in May.

Dave Coyle provides CC&R information, when needed.

RGHA dues invoices are sent out once a year; they are due in February. Expect the amount to be $144. Two of our largest expenses at the pool have been concrete work and solar.

Chris asked again for volunteers. The following people responded: Melissa (yes) (707) 486-7169 [email protected] Josh (yes) (415) 516-7386 ScoC (maybe) (619)733-7947

Someone asked, �Due to the housing crisis, will backyard units be allowed?� Chris responded that no housing changes are allowed without Board approval.

Numerous pool keys were issued by Linda Vargas.

RGHA Annual Homeowners Mee1ng was adjourned at 7:25pm

RGHA Board Mee1ng was called to order at 7:25pm

Attendance: Chris, Ka1e, Anne, Marcia

Treasurer�s Report: Checking: $27,313Reserve Account: $45,417

21 homeowners haven�t paid their 2019 HOA dues.

Katie will ask Dave to send out a third request for payment to all those in arrears. Katie is developing and will be teaching an accounting class. She has asked Dave to take over handling May/June bills and invoices.

The Board received an anonymous letter from a resident noting multiple instances of large motor vehicles parked in plain view and/or on streets. The Board will follow-up.

There was an anonymous message leo on the Homeowners recording machineregarding a 2-story structure built in a backyard, allegedly without permits. Caller complained about a trailer parked in front of this house as well.

Notes for next Board mee1ng:

� Anne to look into mural on pool building with Ka1e in July

� Mike completed pressure wash of pool and will submit addi1onal expenses.

� Mark has concerns (insurance & liability) regarding allowing swim lessonsat the pool.The next board mee1ng was not scheduled.

Board Mee1ng was adjourned at 7:45pm.

The next board mee1ng was not scheduled.Board Mee1ng was adjourned at 7:45pm.



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