Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Minutes of board meeting of Ridgeview Gardens Homes
April 16 , 2007
Four Board members Gail Simons, Janaize Markland, Linda Vargas and, Patricia Coyle
Treasures Report
5 homeowners still owe dues for 2006 (2 have Liens plus includes lawyers fees) (2 Pre Lien Letters)
- $20,889.40 Checking Account Balance
- $19,344.82 Reserve Account Balance
- $ 4,629.00 Over Due invoices
- 17 homeowners past due
Motion: to pass the Minutes from March 21, 2007 meeting
Motion Passed unanimously
Web site update: John and Martin will work to keep the web page updated
Old Business:
- DeVoto has nearly finished the basic bathroom remodel--some minor caulking left to be done. We now have power-flush, low-flow toilets, new faucets on the sinks, sinks secured to the wall, and drains in the bathroom floors.
- The park sprinkler repair project continues. Chris Rovetti wanted $1400 up front, and didn't want to negotiate that, so he bowed out of the job. Ken Wilson (recommended by Cottage Gardens Nursery near Long's) is licensed and bonded, and has been in the business 30 years. The board will ask him to assess the system and give us a bid. He charges $45/hr. Gail will follow up.
- Dave Sfarzo will continue to mow the lawn at the pool area, but needs a lawn mower to use. Janaize made a motion, seconded by Linda, to budget $350 for a new one. Motion passed. Janaize will follow up.
- Volunteers for Gail and Janaize's board positions may be Steve Wyatt, Michael Martinez, and Melissa Tracy. (We need to confirm their willingness, so that we can write their names on the ballot that will be mailed out next week.) Linda Vargas will need to resign at the end of this board year. Janaize volunteered to finish her term, if needed, or will defer to a new, willing candidate.
- The Easter Party at the park was a great success. (See photos on our website) Thanks to Martin McReynolds and Michel Stamoulis for making sure the kids had plenty of beautifully colored eggs for their hunt.
- The garage sale was nearly rained out. About 10 households participated in spite of the inclement weather. We'll do it again if there is an interest.
- May 2 is our General Membership Meeting at Strawberry school at 7pm. We will elect board members and hear reports from board officers and committee members. A newsletter needs to go out describing the election procedure, and include a ballot. Gail volunteered to pass out pool keys this year, with Linda assisting.
- The work party has been postponed (soccer season). Barbara Thomas will prepare the pool for May 1 opening. We'll have a work party in late May or June. We hope to involve kids/families.
Newsletter. next one due out the first week of May.
7:45pm Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Gail Simons
Next meeting May 14, 7pm @ Starbuck's Coffee Next to the Dollar Tree.
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