Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Minutes of February Meeting
February 17, 2014
Meeting called to order by President, Marc Faustino, at 7:00 p.m.
Dave Coyle (Treasure), Marc Faustino (President),) Anne Martinez (Member at Large), Tim Svoma (Vice President) and Rich Whitestine (Secretary).
Previous meeting minutes:
The meeting minutes from the previous board meeting on January 14, 2014 were reviewed and approved by all.
Treasurer�s Report:
Checking: $33,251.65; Saving: Not given at meeting.
Old Business
- 12/10/13 � The board has agreed to paint the bathrooms. Hinges and lock for bathrooms tabled for a later date due to not being sure if the locks and hinges are legal in a public pool.
1/14/14 � The board has agreed to add the hinges and locks to Brad�s scope of work for a total cost of $750.00 with the painting of the bathrooms. Marc to let Brad know.
2/17/14 � Brad will be called and asked to do the work before May 1st.
- 12/10/13 � The Board has decided to move forward with the plastering of the pool and a new boiler due to the disadvantages of solar. The costs are based on the following:
1/14/14 � After further review Marc proposed that the total cost for the pool plastering, diving tiles, start up with Jeff, permit, and new heater is roughly $15k. Board was all in favor of moving forward. Marc to get the plastering company to start work and the plastering should be complete or nearly complete by the next board meeting.
2/17/14 � Pool work may be done by the end of the week. Heater work will start in the next few weeks.
- 1/14/14 � Michael gave a quote to do landscaping monthly. Board asked for an hourly rate so he can mow the grass on an as needed basis.
2/17/14 � The Board agreed to pay a monthly fee to Michael of $100 a month that will cover landscaping of the pool.
- 2/17/14 � The PG&E bill for January appeared high compared with January of 2013. Marc checked with Jeff (Pool guy) and Jeff stated he forgot that he had not turned the solar off, which caused the spike.
New Business
- 35 members haven�t paid yet. We will review at the next board meeting.
- A discussion was came up on possibly opening and closing the pool earlier than the usual May 1st and October 1st. We now have a year round permit that would allow it. Pending weather in both April and October this could happen, but at this time we left it open.
- Dave and Anne are on their second terms on the Board and we may need to find new members.
- Election to be held in May.
- Martin and Gail to be invited to the next meeting to go over the next news letter and to discuss the handing out of the pool keys at the end of April.
- Rich will check with Sarah about uploading the meeting minute monthly.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, March 11th, @ 7:00 p.m. at Anne�s house.
Respectfully submitted
Rich Whitestine
RGHA Secretary
<< Board Meeting Minutes