Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Meeting Minutes
January 11, 2017
Meeting called to order by President Marc Faustino; at 8:11PM Attendance:
Marc Faustino (President),Chris Petrus (Vice President), David Coyle (Treasurer), Lone Svoma (Secretary), Anne Martinez (Member at Large).
Previous meeting minutes:
The meeting minutes from the previous meeting on November 9, 2016 were approved by all.
Treasurer�s Report:
Checking: $19,268.23
Reserve Account: $35,379.49
Total dues: 2017: 155 paid/95 unpaid; Older Invoices: 15 unpaid
Old Business
- 4/27/16: A homeowner had brought forward a concern about speeding cars in the neighborhood. A subcommittee was formed to further investigate and research possible solutions to the issue.
- 5/24/16: Mr. Snyder, a homeowner in RGHA, attended the board meeting to share updates on
the issue of speeding and unsafe driving in the neighborhood. Mr Snyder had been in contact
with the Chief of Police, SRPD. It was discussed to place trailers on Summerfield Rd. to monitor
driving speeds, and make drivers aware of the 35 mph speed limit. In addition, the City Traffic
Engineer came and took pictures of the area in question. He suggested drafting a letter to the
city regarding the concerns of unsafe road conditions and driving in the area. The board
discussed the option of the city installing stop signs at the intersection of Summerfield Rd and
Carissa. Marc to follow up with the city by calling the City Engineer Department.
- 7/6/16: In lieu of President Marc Faustino not being able to attend the July board meeting, any
updates on the traffic issue will be discussed at the August meeting. The Santa Rosa Police
Department did install temporary traffic control trailers on Brookshire Circle to monitor driving
- 8/24/16: Marc has been in contact with the city traffic engineer and Santa Rosa Police
Department. Some progress has been made in resolving the traffic issues in the neighborhood.
The city will add stop signs at the intersection of Siskiyou and Calavaras, and add a four way
stop at the Contra Costa and Siskiyou intersection. In addition reflective markers will be added
on Siskiyou leading on to Brookshire Circle. This will help with traffic safety and discourage
drivers from cutting over into the left side of the street when making a turn at the intersection.
Other options, such as a yield or stop sign, are being considered for the the small stretch of
road where Carissa meets Brookshire Circle. All of the above mentioned changes have been
submitted to the city of Santa Rosa and are waiting for approval.
- 10/5/16: Discussion tabled until next meeting.
- 11/9/16: Stop signs have now been added to the intersection of Contra Costa and Siskiyou
making it a four way stop. The stop sign at the Calavares/Siskiyou intersection as well as the
reflective markers at the Brookshire Circle/ Siskiyou intersection have all been completed.
President Marc Faustino will contact the city to follow up on any other traffic improvements still
pending for the RGHA neighborhood.
- 1/11/17: President Marc Faustino will contact City of Santa Rosa to thank them for recent safety
improvements in the RGHA neighborhood. He will ask the city engineer to revisit potential
improvements to the Brookshire/Summerfield intersection.
- 10/5/16: The board discussed potential actions in regards to a homeowner who has not paid
association dues for the past 3 years. The board has contacted the homeowner several times to
attempt to collect dues owed. Since the homeowner has not responded or paid the amount
owed the case will be passed on to the lawyers for collection.
- 11/9/16: Pending update from Association lawyers.
- 1/11/17: No update. Still pending update from Association lawyers.
- 11/9/16: The treasurer informed the board that taxes for Ridgeway Garden Home Association
has been filed. A new accountant has not yet been assigned.
- 1/11/17: The board is considering having the treasurer review, and potentially file yearly taxes.
New Business
- A discussion took place regarding hiring a tree care company to evaluate the trees surrounding
the pool. In addition, part of the caulking around the pool needs to be redone and the yard
maintenance of the pool walkway leading to Calavaras needs upkeep.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:51pm.
Next meeting will be held Wednesday 2/22/17 at 7pm at Anne's house.
Respectfully submitted
Lone Svoma
RGHA Secretary
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