Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Meeting Minutes
July 27, 2015
Meeting called to order by President Marc Faustino; at 7:10PM
Marc Faustino (President), Anne Martinez (Member at Large), Chris Petrus (Vice President), David Coyle (Treasurer), Lone Svoma (Secretary) and Martin McReynolds (Newsletter).
Previous meeting minutes:
The meeting minutes from the previous board meeting were approved by all.
Treasurer�s Report:
Checking: $3,499.65; Savings: $23.375.80
Total unpaid dues: $2115.30. 11 homeowners still owe dues from previous year(s).
Old Business
- 5/12/15 – Scheduling of pool party: We will shoot for scheduling the pool party for the last part of August. Perhaps the Sunday before Labor Day, August 30th. If all works out it will be from 11:00AM to 1:00PM, and the Board will buy burgers and hot and dogs, and ask members of the association to bring food as well.
- 6/24/15 – Ongoing. The board will put an invite in the next newsletter and decide on exact date at the next meeting.
- 7/27/15 – Board decided on date and time for pool party: Sunday August 30th from 12PM to 2PM. Board will provide hot dogs, burgers and drinks. Home owners would be asked to bring a side dish to share. An invite was included in the newsletter.
- 5/12/15 – Rich Whitestine will be moving out of the RGHA neighborhood, and can no longer be a board member. No members have volunteered for the election, so Lone Svoma will replace Rich on the Board. Dave will check with lawyer or previous years email to make sure there is no issue with not having an election. Dave sent an email after the meeting of the previous year from the lawyer. The lawyer said we had to announce to the members that no one came forward and that Lone Svoma has stepped up to take the position. See email on 5/22/15 sent by Dave Coyle.
- 6/24/15 – Lone Svoma has accepted the position of secretary. Rich will send information.
- 7/27/15 – Board approved Lone Svoma as new Secretary. The approval of the new board member will be announced in the next newsletter..
- 6/14/15 – Barbara has been buying items for the pool and has not been asking for reimbursement. Board to address with her. The Board will also talk to her about picking up leaves more often and possibly watering shrubbery around the pool. The board will invite Barbara to the next meeting.
- 7/24/15 – Ongoing. Marc will purchase push broom and needed tools for Barbara. The Board still needs to resolve the issue of reimbursement of supplies.
New Business
- Content of the upcoming newsletter was discussed. Board decided to include a reference to the Nextdoor Bennett Valley website in the newsletter. Board to contact Debbie Bradshaw for more details regarding a neighborhood garage sale.
- Pool gate is broken. Michael Martinez will repair or arrange for someone to take a look at it.
- Dave to look into whether homeowners renting out their house in the RGHA neighborhood can still utilize the pool.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45PM.
Next meeting will be held Tuesday 8/25/15 at 7:00PM at the pool.
Respectfully submitted
Lone Svoma
RGHA Secretary
<< Board Meeting Minutes