Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association,
and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.
Minutes of July Meeting
July 9, 2012
Meeting was called to order at 6:03pm at the pool.
Thurlow, pres.; Michel Stamoulis, VP; Chris Petrus, treas.; Gail Simons, sec�y.;
Martin McReynolds, newsletter chair.; and new members, Anne Martinez and
Dave Coyle. (A 7pm phone call to Paula Dhanowa�s husband determined that
she has had a change of work schedule and will not be able to attend tonight,
or possibly to assume her position on the board.)
Minutes of the Apr. 30, 2012 board meeting were read aloud. Motion to accept
by RaeAnn, 2nd by Chris. Approved.
Minutes of the June 11, 2012 board meeting were read by each member.
Spelling of Michel�s name was corrected. Motion to approve by RaeAnn was 2nd
by Michel-approved as corrected.
Treasurer�s Report:
- We have saved $385.72
so far this year in electrical bills.
- Jeff is investigating a �thermostat� for the solar
heater, so cold water will not be circulating from the solar panels at night into
the pool.
- It�s time to pursue the lien process on 4344 Leafwood Circle West,
owned by Phil Wolch. $705 is owing, after several years of non-payment of
dues. There will be an initial cost to the board if we place a lien through our
lawyer. First we will send a registered letter of intent. Gail made a aMotion to
start this process. 2nd by RaeAnn. Passed.
Old Business
- 1923 Calavaras-resolved.
- 4095 Siskiyou- Letter to property owner asking to have shrubs cut for
better visibility around corner was modified. Motion by RaeAnn, 2nd by
Chris to send it (attached).
- Election for new board- ballots were counted by Hanora Connolly,
inspector of election. 127 envelopes were received in the mail. Dave
Coyle-124 votes, Paula Dhanowa-125 votes, and Anne Martinez-123
votes. All new members were invited to tonight�s meeting to take their
places, decide on offices to be held.
- Job descriptions- Anne will prompt Michael to get his signed and
returned. Have not heard from Barbara. Tabled.
- Website-Gail is in touch with volunteer to help with new one. Tabled.
- Tree pruning-Gail will get estimate for thinning oak which is shading
west side of pool at deep end. Board wants light thinning.
- 1924 Yolo Ct. letter for owner to attend to rodent abatement (attached)-
RaeAnn Motioned and Michel 2nd. Letter approved to be sent.
- Garage Sale-Gail moved that we spend up to $50 on advertising,
including a newspaper ad for the sale on Aug. 11, being organized by
Debbie Bradley. RaeAnn 2nd. Approved. Martin will place notice in next
- Annual BBQ at the pool will be August 12. RGHA will provide hot dogs,
hamburger, drinks, paper plates, cups and utensils. Members to bring
pot luck side dish. Martin will place notice in next newsletter.
New Business
- Chris noted that traffic doesn�t stop or slow down properly coming from
Siskiyou, turning onto Brookshire. He will call City about turning on the
streetlight on that corner. Martin will remind members in the newsletter.
Anne will contact Strawberry�s principal, Scott Humble, to ask for help.
- Pool Rules- Gail made a Motion to add �If you�re unable to swim, don�t
go in water over your chin.� Chris 2nd. Approved. Gail is working on
making a new laminated sign for the pump room door.
- New board chose offices as follows: Dave Coyle, president, Chris Petrus,
treasurer, Gail Simons, sec�y., Anne Martinez, member-at-large. After
proper confirmation of Paula�s inability to take office, the board will
appoint another board member.
Thank you RaeAnn and Michel for your two years of service to RGHA.
Next meeting will be Aug. 6, 6pm at the pool.
Meeting adjourned 7:20pm.
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