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Ridgeview Gardens Homeowners Association Board Minutes for the current month

Board Meetings
Board meetings are open to all members of the Ridgeview Gardens Home Association, and we encourage anyone and everyone to attend.

Minutes of RGHA Board meeting held at Starbuck’s.
Mar. 8, 2010

Tim Casey –pres., Dave Coyle–treas., Suzy –vice pres., and Gail –sec’y (arrived late)

6:15 Meeting called to order.

Minutes from Feb meeting were previously reviewed and approved online.

Treasurer’s report:

Reserve Acc’t bal $23,498.19. Overdue Invoices $7,551. RGHA taxes have been completed and submitted. Reviewed letter written by Dave and our lawyer to member with longest outstanding dues, advising necessity to pay or we will pursue. Motion by Suzy, seconded by Gail to send letter. Approved by all.

Dave is having hand towel dispensers installed. Will follow up with electrician on repairs needed at pool (one underwater light is half full of water). Discussion of need to separate water supplies to pool and sprinkler system. Dave and Suzy will get bids.

Suzy had missing street sign at Calavaras and Siskiyou replaced, and will check possibility of speed bumps for neighborhood.

Planned June 5 for RGHA all–neighborhood garage sale.

We will need a newsletter soon to advise members of the annual meeting, pool opening date, availability of pool keys, to ask for candidates for the next board (Dave and Janaize’s positions will be open), date of the garage sale, etc.

6:55 Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting Apr. 12, 6pm, at Starbuck’s.

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