Pool Rules
April-May 2004
Annual Meeting May 11 - Y'all Come!
The annual membership meeting will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 11, in the multi-media room (library) at Strawberry School on Horseshoe Drive.
Please plan to attend and vote for a new board of directors. The outgoing board will report on its actions for the year and answer any questions. Homeowners' comments are invited.
Once again, we have no candidates to fill the two upcoming vacancies on the board. It's urgent to have candidates nominated and voted on at the meeting. The enclosed ballot provides for you to designate another homeowner or one of the existing board members to exercise a proxy vote if you are unable to attend. PLEASE participate so we can avoid the delays of last year, when a second and third mailing of ballots was required and the board wasn't completed until several months had gone by.
The continuing board members are Starr Gobel, Linda Vargas and Mark Zaifman. The members who must be replaced after serving for two years are Martin McReynolds and Steve Wyatt.
Pool Opens
The pool opened May 1. Pool keys are available from
Board Member Linda Vargas at 579-2322. Linda lives at
1928 Yolo Court, the cul-de-sac off Calaveras Drive.
Please phone before dropping in so she or her aunt can
corral the large, friendly (but noisy) dog before answering
the door. Turn in your old key to get a new one - or
pay a $5 deposit.
Please read the 2004 Pool
Most pet owners are considerate of their neighbors and keep their dogs leashed when they are out of the enclosed yard. A recent incident in which a homeowner's dog was attacked by an unleashed dog underlines the need to follow the rules, thanks.
Household Toxics Roundup
If you're interested in pooling resources to get rid of toxic material in your garage, please phone Martin McReynolds at 575-9648. The next county roundup will be Saturday, June 12.
Click here to print the Annual RGHA Meeting May 11, 2004, Election Ballot. Please turn it in at meeting or postmark by May 20, 2004.
Talk to us - the RGHA phone number is 547-9848. Leave a message on the voice mail and we'll get back to you.
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